financially secure

美 [faɪˈnænʃəlɪ sɪˈkjʊr]英 [fə'nænʃəlɪ sɪˈkjʊə(r)]
  • 经济上更稳定(或更安心)
financially securefinancially secure
  1. To become financially secure , a person needs to mind their own business .


  2. They gradually accumulated enough capital to be financially secure after retirement .


  3. Were going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financially secure


  4. I need to make sure that my wife will be financially secure if I die .


  5. They wanted me to be financially secure because we never were when I was growing up .


  6. Financially secure and functioning well .


  7. It would not only save the company money on your relocating costs , but also shows that you are financially secure .


  8. By following this plan , you should hopefully be able to enjoy your life now , and still be financially secure in the future .


  9. For the first time , I was feeling financially secure , but I knew I wasn 't passionate enough about what I was doing .


  10. Using an SPV that is more financially secure than the state and able to get a higher rating could work for Greece , he argues .


  11. Those in their 20s are not yet financially secure , so gifts and envelopes stuffed with cash are beyond their means .


  12. The findings are of great significance in the UK , where an increasing number of women are choosing to delay motherhood until they are more financially secure .


  13. These ideas all still focus on the income column and will only help a person become more financially secure if the additional money is used to purchase income-generating assets .


  14. The video does come with an important disclaimer . Only ' financially secure adults in stable , committed , long-term relationships should participate , ' it advises .


  15. " People want to be both rich and responsible . But they crave money more than anything else , including responsibility , until they feel financially secure ," Zhou said .


  16. During the past generation , the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities .


  17. That line , which looks like stock index returns over the past 50 years , divides the wealthy , who are financially secure , from the rich , poor and everyone else .


  18. According to the Levada Center , Russia 's only independent pollster , the most financially secure and best-educated are likely to emigrate .


  19. Here are five differences that I found in the research for my book , The Thin Green Line : The Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy , that distinguish those who are financially secure .


  20. But the fact is , while it is comforting to be financially secure , money is no measure of self-worth , no guarantee of happiness & and no reason to be impressed .


  21. This might seem absurd - he had the money for both - but it is little decisions like that and a sense of what is enough that should insure he is financially secure long after his playing days .


  22. I imagined by age twenty seven I would be in a serious relationship border line marriage , owning my own place , a successful career , being financially secure , and living life to the fullest on my downtime .


  23. Not financially safe or secure .


  24. Older parents tend to be more financially stable and secure in their careers , and have completed their education .
